1. Data
1.1. Owner of the website
Name: ITSecure Ltd.
Registered office: 5500 Gyomaendrőd, Hársfa u. 11.
Phone number: +36 30 941 6280
Address for correspondence: 1012 Budapest, Logodi utca 54.
Electronic (e-mail) address: [email protected]
Name and contact details of his representative: Biró Gergely
1.2. Hosting
Server hosting: FastComet Inc.
Address: 350 Townsend St 300 846, San Francisco, CA 94107, United States
Email address: [email protected]
2. Definitions
Capitalised terms in the following Rules have the following meanings:
2.1 Service Provider: a legal entity providing information society services.
2.2 User: any person who uses the website or the services available on the website in any way.
3. Basic provisions
3.1 Hungarian law shall govern the matters not regulated in these Rules and the interpretation of these Rules, in particular with regard to the relevant provisions of Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code (“Civil Code”) and Act CVIII of 2001 on certain issues of electronic commerce services and information society services (Elker. tv.). The binding provisions of the relevant legislation shall apply to the parties without any specific stipulation.
3.2 These Rules shall enter into force on 4 March 2016 and shall remain in force until revoked. The Service Provider shall be entitled to unilaterally amend these Regulations. The Service Provider shall publish the amendments on its websites 11 (eleven) days before they enter into force. By using the Website, Users agree that all regulations relating to their use of the Website shall automatically apply to them.
3.3 By accessing the website operated by the Service Provider or by reading its content in any way, the User acknowledges that he/she is bound by the Regulations. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions, he/she is not entitled to view the content of the website.
3.4 The Service Provider reserves all rights in and to the Website, any part thereof and the content displayed thereon, and the distribution of the Website. You may not download, electronically store, process or sell the content of the website or any part thereof without the written consent of the Provider.
4. Liability exclusion
4.1. The Service Provider declares that it endeavours to update the information on the website on a continuous basis, however, it does not assume any responsibility for its completeness, correctness under all circumstances, or any possible changes.
4.2 The Service Provider emphasises that it shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the use of the website.
4.3 The Service Provider may change, update or withdraw all or part of the content at any time without prior notice.
4.4 Changes may be made to the website outside of the Service Provider’s will and control, and the Service Provider shall not be liable for the accuracy, reliability, timeliness or content of the content, information, documentation or other written materials available on the website.
4.5 Users use the website solely at their own risk, and the Service Provider shall not be liable for any damage resulting from incorrect, erroneous or incomplete content.
4.6. The Service Provider does not guarantee the uninterrupted and error-free operation of the functions on the website. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any damages, losses, costs arising from the use or inability to use the website, its malfunction, failure, computer virus, line or system failure or any other similar cause. The user therefore acknowledges that the Service Provider is not responsible for any error in the User’s equipment, damage caused by a virus or any loss of data, or unauthorized access to the User’s equipment or network.
5. Copyrights
5.1 The User viewing and using the website is entitled to use the content of the website for private purposes only. The private use is not subject to any payment, but may not serve the purpose of earning income or increasing income directly or indirectly.
5.2. Within the scope of free use, the use is gratuitous and does not require the permission of the Service Provider. The use is also permitted or free of charge under the provisions on free use only if it is not detrimental to the normal use of the website and does not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the Service Provider, and if it complies with the requirements of good faith and fairness and is not directed at a purpose incompatible with the purpose of free use. Any use of the content of the website other than as provided above, or exceeding the scope of free use, shall result in unauthorised use, against which the Service Provider shall exercise the legal remedies provided for by law.
5.3 Any use for commercial purposes requires the prior written consent of the Service Provider. The use of the Service Provider’s logos and trademarks is subject to prior permission.
5.4 Even with written consent, any material from the website and its database may only be copied with reference to the Service Provider.
5.5 The Service Provider reserves all rights to all elements of its service, the website and its domain names, the secondary domain names formed from them and its Internet advertising space.
5.6 The adaptation or reverse engineering of the content of the website or parts thereof; the use of any application to modify or index the website or any part thereof is prohibited.